The PAX-BD study - COVID-19 information for participants

News 3

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on clinical trials over the last few months. This page describes the steps taken to minimise COVID related risks to participants in relation to the PAX-BD study.

The Trial Management Team understand that participants may have questions about taking part in a clinical trial during this uncertain time, so we would like to reassure you that we have put in place all the necessary measures to do so.

We have made changes to the study to make sure that participants who take part can do so safely and with as little face to face contact as possible.

There are only two occasions when study visits do have to be face to face. These are when written consent is required. These visits can be very brief and should take no more than 15 minutes (although they can be longer if both the participant and the study team mutually agree to do so).

All visits will completely follow the up-to-date social distancing guidelines and also any other hospital/clinic policies. They can be held in any location agreed between the participant and the study team.

All other tasks and contact can be done from home, either over the phone, or by video calling using the internet.

However, contact can also still be done face to face if both the participant and the study team have agreed to do so and if face to face contacts can be done at the local hospital/clinic.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your local study team or your local hospital or clinic team. This applies to everyone whether you have already been contacted about the study, or you are already taking part, or if you are still considering taking part. They should be able to answer them.